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Eco natural chic


Take the past, rework it and thus give shape to the present. This is the shabby, among the hottest trends of the moment. The decorations for the shabby chic wedding are romantic and ethereal, they evoke carefree moments of past life, revisited in a modern key and thus enriched with unique and precious details.

Simple and wild flowers, daisies, lavender, anemones and chamomile: these are the elements that accompany the vintage wedding and shock together, with a retro and romantic taste. But not only. Poor materials like wood, the can, the jute have become exceptional ornaments for a retro-style chic wedding.

Therefore retro elements for this eco-natural chic style. Simple with an ancient flavor: spago, hand-written lettering with simple characters, the wood, porcelain, wrought iron, plaster but also ancient fabrics such as linen and jute.

The shabby chic style intrigues more and more, especially lovers of romance. The ideal time is spring to set up a shabby chic wedding but also summer with its bright and dreamy colors.

Colors are crucial to shabby chic wedding: ranging from ancient white to peach, passing through lavender and lilac, peach and straw yellow, but also the various shades of green and pink.

The use of aromatic plants in wedding arrangements is often accompanied by the shabby chic style: rosemary, mint, myrtle which give the compositions an aura of naturalness and eternal freshness.

Lavender finds its maximum blaze in the compositions for shabby chic weddings, donating  that scent of relaxation with a Provencal taste seems to suggest us "Your memory is my only happiness" ...

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