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Table care


From the fabric of the tablecloths to the cadeau de mariage passing through the floral centerpieces: the decoration of the tables for the wedding takes care of every aspect of the banquet.

The creations are handcrafted after a careful study of the location. From refined fabrics, graceful and stylish  to the use of materials:  porcelain, pottery and terracotta .  But also innovative materials to which Katia gives new life through the imagination.

And then the flowers:  l’ decorative element that cannot be missing regardless of the theme of the wedding and the decorative style you have decided to follow ...

Centerpiece and place cards play an important role in the wedding arrangement. They welcome the guests and suggest the spirit of the day. In perfect union with the spirit of the event, each table ornament is handcrafted by Katia with a dual purpose. On the one hand, so continue through the attention to every detail to tell the story of the wedding, on the other hand, to welcome guests.

And so do the ornamental centerpieces with fresh or dried flowers, of fruit and aromatic candles,  will make each table a unique and distinctive space.

Always following the dual objective of telling the spirit of the event and at the same time welcoming friends and relatives, the placeholders will be handcrafted and unique creations by Katia. Originality and simplicity, elegance and joy, to participate and share an event with the bride and groom. These are the characteristics that placeholders must have. Not only indicate the name of who will sit at the table, but also suggest the spirit of the event that we are about to experience and share.

A kind of thanks and welcome together, that the spouses want to turn to those who have chosen to take part in their love story.

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